Your entire team receives the exact salary in BRL (R$) you set, just one business day after the debit from your American account*.
No surprises, no risks, and no delays.
*Checking account in any bank in the United States.
Does your company need to pay fees for each international transfer, every month?
With CambioPay, you only need to worry about the spread, and you also get personalized benefits like our dedicated support team.
Through the CambioPay platform, your company can register beneficiaries, either in bulk or individually.
This way, your employees don't need to create an account, register, or have a global bank account.
CambioReal INC, FINCEN Registration #31000275649876 | VERITAS L.C. LTDA, CNPJ/MF No 10.794.855/0001-95.
Copyright © 2004-2024 CambioReal INC. All rights reserved.